
Niwa СК-5М for Farming Simulator 2013

Niwa СК-5М for Farming Simulator 2013
Нива СК-5М for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 1 Нива СК-5М for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 2 Нива СК-5М for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 3 Нива СК-5М for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 4 Нива СК-5М for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 5 Нива СК-5М for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 6 Нива СК-5М for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 7 Нива СК-5М for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 8
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Published on 15 October 2014

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The archive includes: Grain Reaper ŽZE-4, ŽZE-4 with pick-up unit rolls, Reaper ŽZE-4 with equipment for the harvesting of sunflower, Reaper PPK-4 corn, POON-5, trailer, and stacker are straw and silage 2pts-4 van, and, of course, the harvester.
All models on otskaleny were real in Max, with one fell swoop, thus saving them the old proportional to each other. In addition, all models (except for the CAT-4) were perepečeny with the purpose of optimization models with minimal loss of quality textures. After all skriptovalis′ models from scratch.
SK-5 Niva: Removes the wheat, barley, canola, sunflower seeds, corn. Revolve all pulleys and work keys, opens the door and window, put blinds, the flap. Soft start and stop of the pulleys and connected with them, as the food processor, and all žatkah. Dynamic titanovskij smoke titanovskie partikly grain unloading from the worm, floating bridge, adjustable mouse tilt camera, manual screw UP. The processor signals the headlights when filling the tank UP. Through the window you can see the level of grain in a silo. The speed of the AP-7 km/h, the transport is 17 km/h new sounds of the engine and threshing machines.

ŽZE-4: Removes the wheat, barley, rapeseed. Animation of blades, pulleys, stars, mowing of grain mass. Adjustable height and stem the reel with the mouse.

ŽZE-4 pickup: picks up swaths of wheat and barley. Animation, pulleys, springs, ribbons, stars, selection of straw. Powered by AP.

ŽZE-4 for Sunflower: Discards, of course, flowers. Animation of blades, pulleys, stars, cutting the stems. Adjustable height and stem the reel with the mouse.

PPK-4: Cleans the corn silage and at the same time, grain, has 2 modes of operation at the AP. The first mode: Machine cleans the corn for grain and silage goes easy on the ground or in a trailer, regardless of whether the next trailer rides. The second mode: combine corn grain but cleans without next running, silage trailer not traveling (as silosniki).

Paragraph 5: Shreds straw and through the screw in it, they protested they were throwing at the rear of the trailer or spray cans in the air when operating without a trailer. Animated pulleys and drill. Equipped with a permanently fitted to the trailer, which you can lock.

Stacker are: starts with the grind of the harvester head, resets automatically. Animated heads, reset, solomonabivatelâ mechanism. Bush with kopnitelâ loaded by any standard forks for bales, because it has a non-standard shape that makes it difficult to load on a trailer, it was decided to implement its conversion in the straw when loading the trailer 2pts-4 in the first mode of the trailer.

Trailers 2pts-4: Transporting straw and silage. Has 3 modes of operation: the first is for converting the heads in the straw, the second mode is for pulling Shearer, the third mode is intended for transportation of bales and rolls without conversion to straw. The trailer drawbar is locked.

Strip: Initially was made separately from Pune, but after the merger with PUNom logical it would remove it from the archive. But I was too lazy to do it and I've come up with a justification that it can be used for pulling something is hooking POON, for example when driving vehicles.

Control keys:
Open/close window-Num Num 8/7
Open the door, put blinds, guard-R (outside)
Turn the grind-B
Put the Auger is O (outside)
Include a mechanism for unloading of the bunker-O
Block fence, drawbar trailer-X (outside)
Reel height adjustment-LMB + motion of your mouse forward/backward
Adjustment of the reel-LMB + mouse left/right motion
Adjusting the position of the camera is tilted LMB + motion of your mouse forward/backward
Switching operation modes trailer — Z
Locking cargo trailer-O
Switching operation modes of the CAT-4-X
Opening the door, start the threshing machines, unloading Auger, also using the interactive control (space)
Author:  }I{EKA, Northern_Strike, dim-dim, MAC
Make: Нива

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