
Super saving with my unique transportation for GTA 3

Super saving with my unique transportation for GTA 3
Супер сохранение с моим уникальным транспортом for GTA 3 miniature 1 Супер сохранение с моим уникальным транспортом for GTA 3 miniature 2 Супер сохранение с моим уникальным транспортом for GTA 3 miniature 3 Супер сохранение с моим уникальным транспортом for GTA 3 miniature 4 Супер сохранение с моим уникальным транспортом for GTA 3 miniature 5 Супер сохранение с моим уникальным транспортом for GTA 3 miniature 6
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Published on 22 September 2016

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100% SUPER SAVE by (V) one.
Each garage stand my SUPER cars.
Here's a list.
1.BF-injecton-Golden, completely invulnerable.
2. the Cartel Cruiser-red-gold, completely invulnerable.
3. Sentinel Mafia-white or snow completely invulnerable.
4. Infernus-yellow-red, completely invulnerable.
5. Borgnine-black, totally invulnerable.
6. Blue Landstalker, unbreakable.
7. Stallion-red-blue, completely invulnerable.
8. Bonus pimp themselves all learn!

Preserved in all the cities, as well as in Ghost.
Bonus sites-in the showroom near the garage, 8ball dodelanom Asuki building, hangar, together with the dodo.
+ bonus retention with all devâtkami, I myself did not understand how this happened. I'm afraid I won't be able to repeat. Total 8 pieces.

When all the story missions.
When all phone mission.
All imported cars-1 car garage, 2 car garage, in a ship via crane and garage for Collectors.
Pass 4 off-road missions-Patriot rally race in park garage and hot race Race.
Pass 4 mission at RC-cars-Brawl with the Devils, anti-mafia Police detain, catastrophe in the Casino and Disassembly with rastamanami.
Mission completed Medica.
Passed the police mission.
Fireman Mission completed.
Taxi driver Mission completed.
Collected all 100 packets.
Met all of the unique jumps.
Completed all the missions of fury.
200% and 100%. All the weapons in his possession and a bunch of ammo.

All passed without cheats, trainers, etc.
It is forbidden to remake and spread on another site without permission of the author!
Author:  Vone
Moderators: ardager02, lk_1997_kl

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