
ApachiiSkyHair 1.6 for TES V: Skyrim

ApachiiSkyHair 1.6 for TES V: Skyrim
ApachiiSkyHair 1.6 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 1 ApachiiSkyHair 1.6 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 2 ApachiiSkyHair 1.6 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 3
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Published on 3 February 2015

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Version ApachiiSkyHair adds 98 hairstyles for women and 55 for men and the 153 new hairstyles.

Character creation:

Find hairstyles during character creation easy-they are the primary positions of the slider to choose the hair.

The current character:

To change your current character's hair, open console, type showracemenu and then press enter, and then customize the hair. Do not change your character's race to avoid zero skills.


Under certain light conditions the hair the character may look black.
In order to avoid passing through the helmet helmet for dressing the hair are removed.
In order to better adjust the shades you can use mod Extended Slider Colors.

Version 1.6:

-The main file is modified to version 1.6.
-Replaced with higher quality Textures.
-Men's hairstyles are made darker to better match with beards.
-Reduced lights normal maps.
-Reduced luminance texture for better compatibility with ENB.
-Some women's long hair is better fit to the body.
-Some hair transformed.
-Fixed wrong path to the texture of the male hairline hairstyles 01.

Localizer En: EXGRAN
Author:  Apachii
Author`s site:
  • Minimum version of the patch, which is necessary for this modification - 0.93.

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