
Jerry c gasoline (Petrol can mod v 2) for GTA San Andreas

Jerry c gasoline (Petrol can mod v 2) for GTA San Andreas
Канистра c бензином (Petrol can mod v 2) for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
Канистра c бензином (Petrol can mod v 2) for GTA San Andreas video 1
Канистра c бензином (Petrol can mod v 2) for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Канистра c бензином (Petrol can mod v 2) for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Канистра c бензином (Petrol can mod v 2) for GTA San Andreas miniature 4
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Published on 26 July 2014

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Here, released the second version of the modification of the "Petrol can mod" in other words-Jerry can of gasoline.
The second version has suffered enormous changes, the script was rewritten, changed the settings in General, go to:
* Changed animation using cans, for proz′be users, now you have the opportunity to walk or run with it and pouring gasoline on it all around!
* Added ability to set fire to gasoline, just strel′nuv into it (the ability to ignite gasoline itself remains)
* Added animation of the fusion gasoline cars. Now, for that would drain the gasoline needed to transport and press the "Space". After that, HE begins to collect gasoline, but be careful! Car drivers don't like the fact that someone merges the fuel.
* The same gasoline can be bought in the shop "Ammunation". He will stand at the counter, buy it, you need to come up and press "E". On the screen appear the purchase table. To buy click "Space".
* Same keys changed! To use the cans take her in my arms, then hold the "PTP" and can move.
The modification has one main disadvantage is a "chain reaction" of fire, it should be lit along the line of fire, but I'm still not sold.
Well, it seems all ...
Author:  Dakurlz
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