
Zombie Apocalypse for GTA San Andreas

Zombie Apocalypse for GTA San Andreas
Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 1 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 2 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 3 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 4 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 5 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 6 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 7 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 8 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 9 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 10 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 11 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 12 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 13 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 14 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 15 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 16 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 17 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 18 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 19 Зомби апокалипсис  miniature 20
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Published on 9 January 2015

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Pack adds in San Andreas zombies!!!
-Replaced all the weapons
-The door in the door replaced the CJ L4D
-If you are bitten or tired of playing for CJ press Z to become zombies
Enter SCREAM to activate sounds
-Walk up to a person and press X to bite him
-Press J to eat a dead body and restore health
-Press I to pretend to be dead and losing the cops
-Press H to dance (well, for a joke)
-Now if you slaughter zombies chainsaw they break down into parts
Download and comment!
Enjoy the game!
This pack required:
Пак включает в себя 99 mods:
  1. - New spare replace Sawn Off Shotgun
  2. - Hunting carbine replace Rifle
  3. - Thermal Goggles replace Thermal Goggles
  4. - NV Goggles replace Nightvision Goggles
  5. - Swat from Point Blank replace swat (id285)
  6. - Zombie replace bmotr1 (id79)
  7. - A new Jetpack replace jetpack
  8. - Zombie father Steve from Resident evil-The darkside chronicles replace male01 (id7)
  9. - Skin zombika replace omost (id58)
  10. - Fast zombie from Half Life 2 replace ballas2 (id103)
  11. - Zombies from half-life 2 replace ballas1 (id102)
  12. - IV Multiplayer Zombie replace bmydj (id19)
  13. - Shabby Revolver HD replace Desert Eagle
  14. - Scrap of Half Life replace Cane
  15. - Camera from Far Cry 3 replace Camera
  16. - Bloody Chainsaw replace Chainsaw
  17. - Kopovskaâ Club replace Night Stick
  18. - AjsMenskij Fistglove replace Brass Knuckles
  19. - M4A1 Special by f0natGTA replace M4
  20. - Machete replace Katana
  21. - The door of the Left4dead 2 to replace input
  22. - Zombies, envelope B Dela Fuente, Oblivion replace bmycr (id21)
  23. - New bits of Saints Row The Third replace Baseball Bat
  24. - "Long carbine from the Fallout New Vegas replace Sniper Rifle
  25. - Chainsaw Massacre v. 2.0
  26. - Zombie Skin-bfori replace bfori (id9)
  27. - Zombie Skin-bfost replace bfost (id10)
  28. - Zombie Skin-bikera replace bikera (id247)
  29. - Zombie Skin-bmycon replace bmycon (id260)
  30. - Zombie Skin-cwmyhb1 replace cwmyhb1 (id162)
  31. - Zombie Skin-cwmyhb2 replace cwmyhb2 (id200)
  32. - Zombie Skin-dwmolc2 replace dwmolc2 (id33)
  33. - Zombie Skin-hfybe replace hfybe (id140)
  34. - Zombie Skin-lvemt1 replace lvemt1 (id275)
  35. - Zombie Skin-omyri replace omyri (id59)
  36. - Zombie Skin-sbfyst replace sbfyst (id69)
  37. - Zombie Skin-sbmyri replace sbmyri (id185)
  38. - Zombie Skin-sofyst replace sofyst (id226)
  39. - Zombie Skin-somyst replace somyst (id170)
  40. - Zombie Skin-swmotr4 replace swmotr4 (id239)
  41. - Zombie Skin-swmyst replace swmyst (id188)
  42. - Zombie Skin-vhfyst replace vhfyst3 (id246)
  43. - Zombie Skin-vwfyst1 replace vwfyst1 (id87)
  44. - Zombie Skin-wfyri replace wfyri (id91)
  45. - Zombie Skin-wfyro replace wfyro (id92)
  46. - Zombie Skin-wfyst replace wfyst (id93)
  47. - Zombie Skin-wmori replace wmori (id94)
  48. - Zombie Skin-wmybar replace wmybar (id177)
  49. - Zombie Skin-wmybe replace wmybe (id154)
  50. - Zombie Skin-wmybp replace wmybp (id26)
  51. - Zombie Skin-wmycr replace wmycr (id100)
  52. - Zombie Skin-wmymech replace wmymech (id50)
  53. - Zombie Skin-wmyst replace wmyst (id101)
  54. - Zombies from Resident evil replace wmybmx (id23)
  55. - Zombies from Resident evil replace hmyst (id48)
  56. - Zombies from Resident evil replace hmyri (id46)
  57. - Zombies from Resident evil replace hmycr (id47)
  58. - Zombies from Resident evil replace bmydrug (id28)
  59. - Zombies from Resident evil replace bmyri (id20)
  60. - Zombies from Resident evil replace hmost (id44)
  61. - Zombies from Resident evil replace hmybe (id45)
  62. - Zombies from Resident evil replace wmydrug (id29)
  63. - The flamethrower from METRO 2033 replace Flame Thrower
  64. - Blood Burrito replace Burrito
  65. - New cue replace Pool cue
  66. - Molotov Cocktail replace Molotovs
  67. - The Book of Eli Machete replace Knife
  68. - MP-40 Dual Mags replace MP5
  69. - Pepper Spray replace Spray Paint
  70. - Spade from Resident Evil 5 replace Shovel
  71. - Zombie (GTA V) replace bmybu (id17)
  72. - New Custom Army replace army (id287)
  73. - Heller Zombie replace bmost (id15)
  74. - Crimson Zombie Skin replace bmybe (id18)
  75. - Zombie Soldier (State of Decay) replace bmori (id14)
  76. - Ak74 Buttstock replace AK47
  77. - The backpack from the Last of us replace Parachute
  78. - The shotgun from the Last of us replace Combat Shotgun
  79. - MAC-10 (Max Payne 3) replace Micro Uzi
  80. - PT92 (Max Payne 3) replace Silenced Pistol
  81. - Micro 9 mm (Max Payne 3) replace Tec9
  82. - The zombies of "Killing floor" replace bmyst (id22)
  83. - Gates in Grove Street
  84. - The New Minigun HD replace Minigun
  85. - Sticky Bombs GTA 5 replace Sachet Charges
  86. - Scarlet Nights (Scarlet Night)
  87. - M1911 replace Colt 45
  88. - Mossberg 500 replace Shotgun
  89. - US Grenade replace Grenades
  90. - The gas needle replace Tear Gas
  91. - RPG-7V replace RPG
  92. - Arrow replace Missile Launcher
  93. - Zombie mod
  94. - The new Detonator HD replace Detonator
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