
Pak weapons of GTA 5 for GTA San Andreas

Pak weapons of GTA 5 for GTA San Andreas
Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 1 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 2 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 3 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 4 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 5 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 6 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 7 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 8 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 9 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 10 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 11 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 12 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 13 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 14 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 15 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 16 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 17 Пак оружий из GTA 5  miniature 18
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Published on 15 July 2016

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Hello everyone, this Pak I collected weapons from GTA 5.

Replaced 22 of weapons.
1. High SMG
2. Minigun
3. AK-47
4. M4
5. Rifle
6. the Tec-9
7. Seekers RPG
8. Colt 45
9. Desert Eagle
10. the MP5
11. Molotov cocktail
12. Telescopic baton
13. The knife
14. Shotgun
15. Bleed
16. RPG
17. The explosives
18. Pomegranate
19. Sniper rifle
20. Pistol with silencer
21. The SPAS-12 (took HD textures)
22. Flamethrower (also HD textures)

All the while, evaluate the PAC.
Moderators: crow, lk_1997_kl
Пак включает в себя 22 mods:
  1. - Spas 12 replace Combat Shotgun
  2. - Shotgun of GTA 5 replace Shotgun
  3. - Knife of GTA 5 replace Knife
  4. - Baton of GTA 5 replace Night Stick
  5. - Molotov cocktail of GTA 5 replace Molotovs
  1. - SMG (MP5) of GTA 5 replace MP5
  2. - Colt 45 out of GTA 5 replace Colt 45
  3. - Desert Eagle from GTA 5 replace Desert Eagle
  4. - Pistol with a silencer from GTA 5 replace Silenced Pistol
  5. - Heavysniper of GTA 5 replace Sniper Rifle
  6. - Bleed from the GTA 5 replace Sawn Off Shotgun
  7. - Micro SMG GTA V replace Micro Uzi
  8. - Assault Rifle GTA V replace AK47
  9. - Carbine Rifle GTA V replace M4
  10. - Flame Thrower HD replace Flame Thrower
  11. - RPG of GTA 5 replace RPG
  12. - Grenade of GTA 5 replace Grenades
  13. - Sticky Bombs GTA 5 replace Sachet Charges
  14. - Minigun of GTA V replace Minigun
  15. - GTA V Homing Launcher-Misterix 4 Weapons replace Missile Launcher
  16. - GTA V Machine zone II V2-Misterix 4 Weapons replace Tec9
  17. - GTA V Musket replace Rifle
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