
KAMAZ 53212 v3.0 Multifruit for Farming Simulator 2013

KAMAZ 53212 v3.0 Multifruit for Farming Simulator 2013
КамАЗ 53212 v 3.0 Multifruit for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 1 КамАЗ 53212 v 3.0 Multifruit for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 2 КамАЗ 53212 v 3.0 Multifruit for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 3 КамАЗ 53212 v 3.0 Multifruit for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 4 КамАЗ 53212 v 3.0 Multifruit for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 5 КамАЗ 53212 v 3.0 Multifruit for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 6 КамАЗ 53212 v 3.0 Multifruit for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 7 КамАЗ 53212 v 3.0 Multifruit for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 8 КамАЗ 53212 v 3.0 Multifruit for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 9 КамАЗ 53212 v 3.0 Multifruit for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 10 КамАЗ 53212 v 3.0 Multifruit for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 11 КамАЗ 53212 v 3.0 Multifruit for Farming Simulator 2013 miniature 12
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Published on 25 July 2017

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Speed 60 km/h. Light. Open the hood and doors, containers, reclines cabin, dust from under the wheels. Body capacity 20000 l Transports: wheat, barley, canola, corn, sugar beets, potatoes, fodder, grass, silage corn, manure, liquid manure, fertilizer, oats, rye, wheat, green corn grain, rice, sorghum, soybeans, sunflower, poppy, cotton, strawberries, blueberries, lettuce, spinach, mint, tea, mushroom, cucumber, carrot, tomato, onion, chives, onion-pen, red beet, radish, kohlrabi, cauliflower whitened cabbage, cauliflower, Savoy cabbage, eggplant, melon, pumpkin, peas , artichoke, grapes, pineapple, Apple, seeds, alfalfa, clover, forage, oilcake, sand, gravel, coal, gold, timber.
Author:  Lexan, BrUISeR, sanya1970, irakls, Koral, Maksim_123
Make: КамАЗ
Moderators: tima2014, 05010513788

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