1966 Chevrolet Custom Chevy 4 x 4 v 1.0
Power 235 l/s, speed 121 km/h. Light. Open doors, hood and tailgate, glass sink. Working instrument panel and mirror animation hands farmer color choices when purchasing, dust from under the wheels, leaves traces. Washable.
Volume: 2700 l. Transports: wheat, rapeseed, corn, barley, green, potatoes, sugar beet, silage, chips.
i keep crashing
by MrGrayAwesome Gun!
by KamolinapopaI am very excited for your new mod manager and will be waiting, also g...
by AfeedyesyesHello, i wanna ask how did u fix those wheels (or chassis, idk how is ...
by R1SGODThank You!
by Kamolinapopa