
DON 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015

DON 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015
ДОН 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 1 ДОН 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 2 ДОН 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 3 ДОН 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 4 ДОН 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 5 ДОН 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 6 ДОН 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 7 ДОН 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 8 ДОН 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 9 ДОН 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 10 ДОН 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 11 ДОН 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 12 ДОН 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 13 ДОН 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 14 ДОН 1500A for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 15
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Published on 25 June 2015

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Architectural lighting. Speedometer. The door opens, is a staircase. Additional lighting. Hopper capacity 6000 l. dust and traces from under the wheels. Gets dirty. Complete three Reaper: 6 and 9 meter for wheat, barley and canola; and 5.7 meter for corn and sunflower. Combine with completely. Unlike previous version: replaced corn head, replaced on the shaft 9-meter header, pofikšeny flickering textures on the casing of the combine, may be dirty
Author:  werik, Фагот, Dizik, 36region, wraith72, Monax, Сompany
Make: Дон

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