
Class Mega 204 for Farming Simulator 2015

Class Mega 204 for Farming Simulator 2015
Class Mega 204 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 1 Class Mega 204 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 2 Class Mega 204 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 3 Class Mega 204 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 4 Class Mega 204 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 5 Class Mega 204 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 6 Class Mega 204 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 7 Class Mega 204 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 8 Class Mega 204 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 9 Class Mega 204 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 10 Class Mega 204 for Farming Simulator 2015 miniature 11
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Published on 14 December 2016

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Bunker Harvester accommodates 10 500 litres of grain.
Suitable for harvesting crops such as wheat, barley, corn and canola.
The length of the headers is 6 metres, which makes Mega Claas 204 optimal for small and medium-sized fields.
Like other equipment, harvester leaves behind traces from each of the wheels. During the ride, as the dust rises markedly.
Inside everything was done on the conscience: dashboard, mirrors, and lighting equipment.
Maksimalka-23 miles per hour.
Author:  Tornado, sven777b, Shangri66, TLS-Modding
Make: Claas
Moderators: Vovan244, smalloff

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