
Pak field equipment v07.09.18 for Farming Simulator 2017

Pak field equipment v07.09.18 for Farming Simulator 2017
Пак полевого оборудования v07.09.18 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 1 Пак полевого оборудования v07.09.18 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 2 Пак полевого оборудования v07.09.18 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 3 Пак полевого оборудования v07.09.18 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 4 Пак полевого оборудования v07.09.18 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 5 Пак полевого оборудования v07.09.18 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 6 Пак полевого оборудования v07.09.18 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 7 Пак полевого оборудования v07.09.18 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 8 Пак полевого оборудования v07.09.18 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 9 Пак полевого оборудования v07.09.18 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 10 Пак полевого оборудования v07.09.18 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 11
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Published on 22 July 2019

To favorites
Pack a variety of domestic equipment to till fields and other c/x works.
Pack all the equipment works according to the standards FS17 animation, deformation of wheels, real physics.
Of additional features - dynamic hoses.

Composition of the pack:

- NWT-5.4 - two options;
- SZS-2.1, and 3-SZS-2.1;

- KPI-3.8;
- KNS-4.0;
- KPO-4;
- L-114A-02.

Plows and Chisel:
- CU-2.1;

- BMR-5.6 - pollinic.

- Coupling for KPI-3.8;
- Coupling for Sz-5.4;
- Coupling for 3-SZS-2.1.

The current state of the puck is estimated as an open Beta test.
Will be finalized as the amount of equipment and functionality.

A list of what will NOT be implemented:

1) Work some of the equipment with Kursplan.
The reason - the answer from the developers of the KP: our scripts are not able in 100% of cases to determine the parameters of a hitch, so it uses a script for the manual settings for such equipment. To the config for your mod got into KP, it needs firstly to be at the office. website, second to be quite popular.

2) Ploughs, PSHK will NOT.
The reason - Plough PSHK is a copy of ploughs PSKU, while not licensed (information NGOs "SUR").

3) Models with signs of use (rust, wear, traces of oil).
The reason is the equipment we buy in the store, not the cheapest suppliers of used vehicles and especially do not dig from the landfill.

Authors: AVSR, Northern_Strike, StuDeNT, scholl, TYOMATY, MAC.
To see detailed credits for each unit of the vehicle can be in a txt file "the author in detail" in the archive.

Version 07.09.18 for Farming Simulator 2017 (v1.5.x):

- KPI-3.8;
- KNS-4.0;
- L-114A-02;
- Pak PSKU (3,4,5,6);
- SP-7.6 (hitch for KPI-3.8);
- SP-12.6 (hitch for 3-SZS-2.1).

A separate category ONLY for linkage;
- The icons of the coupling is written what fits (for those who do not see the menu);
- The swivel wheels on a single BES (the corner of a small, otherwise on the field the drill takes);
- The swivel wheels on the SDR-10.8;
- NWT-5.4 now one in the shop and the manufacturer - through design;
- Optimization of loading of the wheels.

- Physics adapter Kizilmescit-4200, Agrator-3400;
Physics all wheel redesigned;
- Lower position of KPO-4, Kizilmescit-4200, CU-2.1;
- Fill seeders SZS through the cover;
- Possible fall into the earth KPO-4, KR-2.1, BIS-5.6;
- Center of gravity CU-2.1;
- Collision rear "rod" Agrator-3400, Kizilmescit-4200;
Logical sizes NWT is 5.4, KPO-4, KR-2.1, Kizilmescit-4200;
- Changes in the model SPZ-10.8;
- Physics GPA-10.8;
- Removed the sound of the compressor on machines with wheel drive;
- Changed the Shader for the mud on default;
- Reducing the physical load Agrator-3400 to work with tractors of 75 to 90 HP.;
- Processing characteristics of Sz-5.4.

07.09.18 update: fixed the lack of the drawbar transport position and the seeder Sz-5.4.
Author:  AVSR
Author`s site:
Moderators: ВОВА ВОВ

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