
Custom Road Train Pack RUS v2.1 for Farming Simulator 2017

Custom Road Train Pack RUS v2.1 for Farming Simulator 2017
Custom Road Train Pack RUS v2.1 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 1 Custom Road Train Pack RUS v2.1 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 2 Custom Road Train Pack RUS v2.1 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 3 Custom Road Train Pack RUS v2.1 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 4 Custom Road Train Pack RUS v2.1 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 5 Custom Road Train Pack RUS v2.1 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 6 Custom Road Train Pack RUS v2.1 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 7 Custom Road Train Pack RUS v2.1 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 8 Custom Road Train Pack RUS v2.1 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 9 Custom Road Train Pack RUS v2.1 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 10 Custom Road Train Pack RUS v2.1 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 11 Custom Road Train Pack RUS v2.1 for Farming Simulator 2017 miniature 12
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Published on 25 December 2019

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Mod train for FS 2017.
Creating custom trailers for all your requirements for transportation.
Use low-poly models means less FPS drops, but it provides the required quality of the texture.

Custom Road Train Pack for Farming Simulator 2017 includes the following:
- Trucks Tri-axle 1З80 Is the best choice if you want to pull long heavy trains. C full animated interiors, including work Break PSI Air, Cruise Active Light, Active Light Beacon and animated Gear Stick and MP Passenger Script. Available co. the following parameters (the Engine to 1З80лс, chrome, standard or off-road wheels).

- Twinstar DUO — this great little workhorse is an ideal choice for lighter small B-Doubles and small road trains. C full animated interiors, including work Break Air PSI, animated Gear Stick and MP Passenger Script. Available co following parameters (engine up to 760 h. p., chrome, standard or off-road wheels, a fully open or closed frame chassis ).

Trailers A and B of "Custom Road Train Pack":
- Transport of animals. These trailers are equipped with a two-level transport with the ability to move Z2 sheep, 27 pigs and 20 cows in A trailer and 42 sheep, З8 pigs and 26 cows in the B-trailer. They will also carry Chicks in a future update. These smart trailers automatically, open the roof, side glass and run all cooling fans when the trailers are animals. They will also display back the signs of transport, the image of the current type of animal being shipped.
- Flatbed transport. The name says it all. These trailers are available in two forms: standard and universal automatic download. Both of them are ribbons and can be fitted with standard metal or chrome detailing. UAL loading capacity: 21 square bale, round bale 24, 10 pallet, 8 pallets c boards on the A-trailer and squares S0, P6 circles, 16 pallets, 8 pallets c boards on the B-trailer.
- Transportation of logs — available in standard form or startup. Both devices include transport belts, a B-Trailer, you can install the rear stopper to stop the sliding of the logs. A-the trailer UAL download can automatically download logs from 2 to 8 meters, a B-trailer can load logs with length from 2 to 12 meters.
- Transportation of fluids — these multipurpose tanks are available in two different versions (one color and two tones of white and colored). They can also be optional without labels like fill if you want. Due to transport warning sign, depending on the type of filling and digital displays of the volume on both sides of the tanker. Fully animated stairs and tank cover (Allows you to fill top if needed). These tanks are also able to overload each other and other vehicles.

All variants can be supplied co the script animated overloads. Bulk is the Final part in this album trucks . With the ability to download all products for crop production, grain, vegetables and other bulk products. C a large variety of signs and universal stickers transport of the cargo. Options include a black or colored animated skorzewo the roof, visible or hidden color, additional shapes of labels, multiple modes of overturning, rich transport marking, animated rollover control and digital display filling. Key features A-trailer: 40000 liters. standard or off-road tires. Road signs (to Add or remove leg). Unique license plates and lights. Additional lower rear coupling device. The General characteristics of the B-trailer: 60000 liters. standard and off-road tires. Road signs (to Add or remove leg). Unique license plates and lights. Lower rear coupling device Movable trolley — standard c standard biaxial movable trailer. Standard and optional off-road rubber, and c a choice of signs. This is a great choice for anyone who wants to run a train with all B-trailers or be able to move the other trailer.
The log is clean.

Changed in v2.1:
1) Cotton bales are 2.4 m now loaded trailers UAL c platform.
Due to the large size of these bales UAL will load the following:
A-trailer = S Cotton bales;
B-trailer = 4 Cotton bales.

2) you Can set the height of the Dolly so that the front wheel remained on the ground when towing one of the trailers of the CRT.
Grips of the tractor also needs to adjust their hitch.


Translated: Dragon-tis

Nice game.
Author:  GTX Mods, Dragon-tis
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