
Pak machines GAS for GTA 3

Pak machines GAS for GTA 3
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Published on 9 May 2018

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This pack focuses on brand gas. -Many models 3D-engine parts-medium detail level car-some private conflicts-All car parts damaged-fully functioning front and rear lights-Custom settings for the normal the functioning of these models require DMagic1 Wheel Mod v3.0
This pack required:
Moderators: ChrisRedfield, Vovan244
Пак включает в себя 11 mods:
  1. - GAZ 3110 Volga Police replace FBI car
  2. - Volga 3110 limousine replace Stretch
  3. - GAZ 3110 taxi replace Taxi
  4. - 33023 Gazelle "farmer" replace Mule
  5. - GAS-3111 replace Mafia
  1. - GAZ 3110 Volga replace Banshee
  2. - Gaz-31029 "Volga" replace Cheetah
  3. - GAZ 31105 DPS replace Police
  4. - GAZ 32213 v2.0 replace Toyz
  5. - Gazelle 33023 Coca-Cola replace Mr Wongs
  6. - GAZ 3110 Volga replace Kuruma
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