
Airbreak III for GTA 3

Airbreak III for GTA 3
Airbreak III for GTA 3 miniature 1
Airbreak III for GTA 3 video 1
Airbreak III for GTA 3 miniature 2 Airbreak III for GTA 3 miniature 3 Airbreak III for GTA 3 miniature 4 Airbreak III for GTA 3 miniature 5 Airbreak III for GTA 3 miniature 6
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Published on 24 April 2018

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This script allows you to navigate in 6 directions through the water, walls and roads. You can move when you're in a vehicle with or without him. Controls: Z and X is the inclusion of script F or Enter — off J, I, M, L — move to the North, East, West and South. W, S — up, down. A, D-Rotate clockwise against the pros: If you enable script: — Freezes time as in-game and in the missions. — Freezes (but very slowly) car and pedestrian traffic. — You can stand on poles, traffic lights inside the aircraft and even inanimate creation Police helicopter. Cons: If you enable script:-Use the game menu it will disappear (will appear if the script to disable it). — Download or start a new game, vyletet. Bugs:-If the script used in cut-scenes, it may not end. -The process of the game may hang fix ctrl, alt and del. — If you turn on and turn off the script during flight and change the direction of the mouse, you can fatally fly out to the side.
Author:  gtaloconbest98
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