
The first patch for GTA 5 PC (1.0.331.1) for GTA 5

Первый патч для GTA 5 PC (1.0.331.1)

The first patch for the PC version of GTA 5, released on 17 April. Have downloaded the GTA 5 launcher automatically, but if the automatic download does not occur, then you can download this version and install it manually.

The official changelog of the first patch:

  • Fixed an issue where the Launcher GTA 5 consume a high percentage of the CPU and in some cases losing
  • Fixed problem with falling productivity games by clicking the left mouse button while driving
  • Added grid in the mini golf game
  • Fixed a problem in which the eyebrows or other facial features of a character could arbitrarily change when you transfer to PC
  • Fixed an issue where some players suggested the prospect to move their character to GTA Online during the migration process is already running
  • Upload videos to YouTube from Rockstar Editor now correctly reproduced after it was disconnected from the Internet during a previous attempt to download
  • Fixed a rare issue where the game would take off when using the Rockstar Editor
  • Containing the deleted clips projects now correctly loaded into the Rockstar Editor with appropriate warning
  • Fixed a problem where it was impossible to shoot the birds with Rockstar Editor
  • Fixed a problem where certain characters in the name of the Windows user names cause the launcher and caused other errors
  • Fixed an issue where players from the garage could not replace the stored in the garage, the vehicle if the garage was full, and the new vehicle purchased through the in-game website
  • Other adjustments to future support iFrut
  • Smoke Crew Tire Smoke can no longer be purchased by the player if he is not a member of a team
Download: GTA_V_Patch_1_0_331_1.exe
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Published on 17 April 2015

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