Today we gather together the installer and publish it on the site.
To start a small lyrical entry.
Why autoinstallation ever wondered?
The first is to quickly install a mod to the game logical?
The second is what this MOD can be quickly and easily removed from the game, and this is true.
And finally the main thing! You're not obremenâete its users reading sophisticated instructions and give them the opportunity to use your mod, rather than swing a bunch of programs and study the article on installing mods.
Agree to send your friend a single file that will do everything for him better than scribbling in Skype on "Heaven" and explain what he did wrong. <!--smile:smile-->

Conclusion: the easier installation and better, the more your audience. Convinced? Then let's get started.
Imagine that you have already downloaded or made your own mod. Let's say it is a machine. Car in GTA 5 consists of 3 files and usually attached installation instructions (Readme.txt).
Open our archive and extract the files.
Step 1. Register on the site and click on the menu site-"Add mod"
Step 2. Mod editor, choose game
Step 3. Choose the type of fashion, in our case, the "machine"
Step 4. Select the replacement model in the game, in my case it is Jobuilt Hauler
Step 5. Open the Readme file, copy the file installation path, turn on the RPF tab, click on the pencil and insert our way
Step 6. Uploading files to the server
Step 7. Fill in the information about fashion, necessarily specify real authors!
Step 8. Click on the "Save" button and go after saving in my fashion ", there you will find the person you've added mod
Download our Installer and collected his check in a game at the same time to do screenshots.
Step 9. Load screenshots and video (on request), screenshots should be not less than three (read the rules)
And the last step, click on the "publish" button.
If you have done everything correctly, wisely drew up its publication, your mod will appear on our website.
In case of errors the site moderation will return you back to the MOD and indicate on your mistakes. After fixing things up, you can resend the MOD to the publication.
The result you can
see That's all, successful publications. Ask questions and comment. Thank you for your attention.
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