
Card GTA 5 for GTA 5

Карты GTA 5

On this page you will find all the cards for GTA V, which marked game objects of interest or necessary for the passing game. To read the description or view a larger picture click on the picture. If you wish, you can download the map high resolution, by clicking on the appropriate button.

Снимок со спутника

Download the satellite

On this map you can see the buildings, plains and hills of the game world of GTA 5.

Обрывки писем

Download the map of fragments of letters

In the course of the game you have to collect scraps of letters in the quantity of fifty pieces. On this map you will be able to see their location.

Оружие и броня

Download map weapons and armor

How is GTA without guns? It is scattered all over the map! Just how to find it? This will help you to this map.

Каскадерские прыжки

Download the map of stunt jumps

To complete the game you have to perform in the game are 50 stunt jumps. You can do it in cars or motorcycles.

Случайные события

Download a map of random events

The game features 57 events in which you can participate.

Радиоактивные отходы

Download a map of radioactive waste

Barrels of waste are scattered around the coast of the ocean. To find them you will need a submarine. To you will passed the mission Merryweather Heist.


Download a map of the bridges

Why do bridges?! You Ask. And then to fly under them, because without it the game can not go. For the passing game will need to fly under 25 bridges.

Религиозные брошюры

Download map of religious pamphlets

In the game you need to collect the capsule with the treatises of the cult of "Epsilon". Proceed to the task will be possible after completing the mission "Father and son".

Спрятанные пакеты

Download a map of the hidden packages

Search packages in the game is not mandatory to complete the game, but can add you money.

Детали подводных лодок

Download a map of parts of submarines

Details of submarines scattered along the coast of liberty city. For the passing game, they are not mandatory, but next to them you can find a lot of useful things.

Детали НЛО

Download a map of parts of the UFO

To complete the game you need to collect details of unidentified flying saucers wrecked. Just need to find 50 items.

Прыжки с парашютом

Download a map of skydiving

To complete the game you need to perform skydiving. In total you will find 8 directional jumps at certain points on the map.

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Published on 12 September 2018

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