
Custom Camera V Plus 1.7 for GTA 5

Custom Camera V Plus 1.7 for GTA 5
Custom Camera V Plus 1.7 for GTA 5 miniature 1
Custom Camera V Plus 1.7 for GTA 5 video 1
Custom Camera V Plus 1.7 for GTA 5 video 2
Custom Camera V Plus 1.7 for GTA 5 miniature 2 Custom Camera V Plus 1.7 for GTA 5 miniature 3 Custom Camera V Plus 1.7 for GTA 5 miniature 4 Custom Camera V Plus 1.7 for GTA 5 miniature 5 Custom Camera V Plus 1.7 for GTA 5 miniature 6
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Published on 11 September 2019

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A custom vehicle camera system for Grand Theft Auto V.


-Supports Thrid person and first person vehicle cameras! Just switch between them by pressing "Next view" button! (key "V" by default).
-Allows aim-shooting and look around (only mouse for now).
-Reworked system to update camera position and rotation. Much improved since 'Custom Camera V'.
-Nice feeling of speed.
-Supports big vehicles, and even vehicles towing another vehicles.
-Ability to set amount of inertia force for 3rd person camera. Search for Inertia Force in the .ini file for details.
-Updated Manual Transmission integration (If you use Manual Transmission, make sure you update it to 4.6.6 or newer).
-Other minor enhancements.


-Enter on any vehicle (except boat, helis and planes) and custom camera will be automatically enabled.
-Look around, aim and shoot just like with the built-in camera.
-Switch between 3rd and 1st person view by pressing 'V' (or other key mapped to switch views).
-Look left by pressing 'B', look right by pressing 'N'.
-Look behind by pressing 'C' (or other key mapped to look behind).
-Look left/right/back from steering wheel. (which requires Manual Transmission Mod).
-Toggle mod enabled by pressing '1'.
-Reload ini settings by pressing 'F10'.
-Lots of settings are configurable (check CustomCameraVPlus.ini).
Author:  Rbn3D
Author`s site:
This mod required:
Moderators: lk_1997_kl

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