
PC Trainer V 1.1 for GTA 5

PC Trainer V 1.1 for GTA 5
PC Trainer V 1.1 for GTA 5 miniature 1
PC Trainer V 1.1 for GTA 5 video 1
PC Trainer V 1.1 for GTA 5 video 2
PC Trainer V 1.1 for GTA 5 video 3
PC Trainer V 1.1 for GTA 5 video 4
PC Trainer V 1.1 for GTA 5 miniature 2 PC Trainer V 1.1 for GTA 5 miniature 3
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Published on 2 December 2019

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Press the "F4" key to open the menu and use the numpad keys to navigate and choose things.

Animation Options
-Input-Play Animations which can be looped. (The Input Custom Animation format goes like this-"animDict,animfile" without the quotation marks.)
-Change Movement Style.

Audio Options
-Over 50 Unique-To-Model Playable Speeches which can also be played through a megaphone.
-Change Voice of the Player.
-Mobile Radio.
-Change to the next radio track on your current radio station.

-Spawn any model in the game to be your bodyguard(s).
-Change the appearance of your last spawned bodyguard with any of its available model options.
-Add hats-glasses-masks to your bodyguard with the accessories option.
-Give your bodyguard any weapon.
-Add-Remove Blip so you could keep track of your bodyguard on the radar.
-Set Invincible-Vulnerable if you do-don't want them to die.
-Give Current Weapon will always give them the weapon you have currently equipped.
-Change the Group Formation and Spacing to have a unique fighting style.
-Delete the last spawned bodyguard.
-Dismiss all bodyguards.

-Become an assassin and kill the target for a randomized amount of cash.

Misc Options
-Spawn a random bodyguard who will have your current weapon when spawned.
-Recruit the nearest ped with the current weapon you have.
-Resurrect a target ped back to life and they will thank you.
-Spawn a random ped to do whatever with.
-Call the police if someone is attacking you or if you just want to kill some pigs.
-Call Merryweather Mercenaries to protect you from any hostiles on your current location.

Player Options
-Change to any model in the game.
-Change the appearance of your player with any of its available model options.
-Add hats-glasses-masks to your player with the accessories option.
-Adjust health, add-remove armor, or toggle invincibility.
-Set a Cash Value to spawn cash. and make it rain.
-Adjust wanted level, clear it, or become never wanted.
-Become invisible.
-Enable most of the player cheats such as explosive melee, super jump, etc.
-Kill yourself with a pill or pistol if times are tough.

Teleport Options
-Teleport 2 feet in front of you.
-Teleport to the way point in the blink of an eye.

Vehicle Options
-Spawn any vehicle in the game.
-Customize it with the Mini Los Santos Customs option aka Customization.
-Add invincibility, hookers, become a passenger, and more with Extras.

Weapon Options
-Give the player any weapon from the game.
-Set ammo type such as fire bullets, explosive bullets, etc.

World and Game Options
-Toggle Night Vision-Thermal Vision.
-Hide the HUD to take screenshots or whatever.
-Apply a timecycle modifier.
-Adjust traffic-ped multipliers.
-Become a weatherman and change the weather.

Changes in v1.1
- Fixed values changing TOO fast.
- Fixed menu opening with controller.
- Fixed component changer to only change to valid components.
Author:  jedijosh920
Author`s site:,
This mod required:
Moderators: ChrisRedfield

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