
ATM Robberies 0.3 for GTA 5

ATM Robberies 0.3 for GTA 5
ATM Robberies 0.3 for GTA 5 miniature 1 ATM Robberies 0.3 for GTA 5 miniature 2 ATM Robberies 0.3 for GTA 5 miniature 3 ATM Robberies 0.3 for GTA 5 miniature 4 ATM Robberies 0.3 for GTA 5 miniature 5
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Published on 25 December 2019

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Thanks to FelixTheBlackCat for letting me use some of his source code (especially locations). This mod is pretty much an revamped standalone version of atm robberies from his ATM Robberies Bank Heists mod (he has provided permission to do so)

ATM Robberies allows you to rob 59 different ATMs across San Andreas State. ATMS are marked on the map by small blue dollar signs in a box. Once you are at an ATM stand close to the blue circle infront of it then click F or (Y on Xbox Controller, Triangle for Playstation) and you will begin to rob it. This mod is similar to what is in FelixTheBlackCat's ATM Robberies & Bank Heists mod but it is updated with many new features aswell (many more planned to come).

The .ini file allows you to configure the mod to how you would like.
- MinCash = the minimum amount of money you will recieve after a robbery
- MaxCash = the maximum amount of money you will recieve after a robbery, the game will choose a random value inbetween MinCash and MaxCash
- WantedLevel = what wanted level you will recieve after robbing an ATM
- ShowBlips = ATM blips will be enabled if this is set to True. if it is set to False blips will be disabled
- debug options = ignore these, these are mainly for me to develop the mod but if you set debugmode to true it will show your coordinates at the top of the screen, i kept this in because some people might want it.(Z coord is at your feet not torso like most coord mods)

- Script Hook V
- Script Hook V .NET
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8

0.1 - Initial Release

0.2 - changed animations!
- adjusted text notifications.

0.3 - added camera angle when robbing.
- circular markers now only appear when you near the atm. (before it had all of them loaded at once)
- new option in .ini for blips to only show when you are nearby the atm(default off)

Do not share on any other websites without permission of author.
Author:  danistheman262
Author`s site:
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Moderators: 05010513788, Vone

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