Description: This mod makes the Jet Squadron chase and hunt player down at ten seconds or more after player reached five stars, they'll start firing missiles too. If they fly past player or missed their first shot, they'll fly around and shoot another missiles.
What's New: 1. Version 0.4a - Single .asi files. - Total 12 aircraft will pursuit player after reached five stars wanted level :6 Lazer jets, 2 Hydra jets, and 2 pairs of savage and valkyrie. - Fixed bugs that exist on previously version (0.2 and 0.4). 2. Version 0.4b - More intelligent AI jets. - Re-balance AI pilots radar range.
Credits: 1. Script is originally made by PlasticTangerine, thanks to him for his source code. 2. Alexander Blade for his asi plugin Script Hook V. 3. BobJaneTMart (aka. xCamoLegend) for Crime and Police Rebalance & Enhancement. 4. Yard1 on LCPDFR for Better Wanted Level System Police Spawning. 5. Luthfi for MSC Visual C++ quick lesson.