
Euphoria Physics Engine Simulator for GTA 5

Euphoria Physics Engine Simulator for GTA 5
Euphoria Physics Engine Simulator for GTA 5 miniature 1
Euphoria Physics Engine Simulator for GTA 5 video 1
Euphoria Physics Engine Simulator for GTA 5 video 2
Euphoria Physics Engine Simulator for GTA 5 miniature 2 Euphoria Physics Engine Simulator for GTA 5 miniature 3
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Published on 18 March 2020

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J - Start Euphoria Simulator

The control can be edited via the .ini file.

About :
Euphoria is a game animation engine created by NaturalMotion based on Dynamic Motion Synthesis, NaturalMotion's proprietary technology for animating 3D characters on-the-fly "based on a full simulation of the 3D character, including body, muscles and motor nervous system". Instead of using predefined animations, the characters' actions and reactions are synthesized in real-time; they are different every time, even when replaying the same scene. This mod is a simulator for the physics engine itself since Euphoria costs like 100k+ for companies to use, here is a cheaper and more fun alternative in GTA V. As of now, you can simulate the dynamic body balancing abilities and try out the shot wounds and see how the peds react with Euphoria and grab/reach their wounds. I will be adding more simulations such as getting dragged by a car, so follow the mod.
Author:  jedijosh920, NaturalMotion
Author`s site:
This mod required:
Moderators: Vone

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