
Persistent Rides 2.0 (Performance Fix) for GTA 5

Persistent Rides 2.0 (Performance Fix) for GTA 5
Persistent Rides 2.0 (Performance Fix) for GTA 5 miniature 1
Persistent Rides 2.0 (Performance Fix) for GTA 5 video 1
Persistent Rides 2.0 (Performance Fix) for GTA 5 miniature 2 Persistent Rides 2.0 (Performance Fix) for GTA 5 miniature 3 Persistent Rides 2.0 (Performance Fix) for GTA 5 miniature 4 Persistent Rides 2.0 (Performance Fix) for GTA 5 miniature 5 Persistent Rides 2.0 (Performance Fix) for GTA 5 miniature 6
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Published on 29 May 2023

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With this mod you will be able to save a vehicle anywhere on the map, however unlike all the other "persistance mods", this mod will auto save your vehicle after you start modifying it, this mod is also compatible with other mods that save and load vehicles.

To Save a vehicle, simply get in the vehicle and start modifying it, if the mod is installed correctly, you will get a message saying "Persistent Rides : Save Vehicle " then the vehicles name, for a vehicle already saved by the mod, you can also exit the vehicle to save its modifications or change mods and it will update the saved location and modifications.

To delete a vehicle, access the phone, and go to contacts scroll down and call the contact "Persistent Rides" and a menu will appear, there will be a sub-menu with all vehicles loaded, here you can select on and choose to teleport or delete the vehicle, deleting the vehicle cannot be undone.
Author:  HKH191
Author`s site:
Moderators: ardager02

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