
Quadcopter Redux - FPV Drone simulator 1.9.0 for GTA 5

Quadcopter Redux - FPV Drone simulator 1.9.0 for GTA 5
Quadcopter Redux - FPV Drone simulator 1.9.0 for GTA 5 miniature 1
Quadcopter Redux - FPV Drone simulator 1.9.0 for GTA 5 video 1
Quadcopter Redux - FPV Drone simulator 1.9.0 for GTA 5 miniature 2 Quadcopter Redux - FPV Drone simulator 1.9.0 for GTA 5 miniature 3 Quadcopter Redux - FPV Drone simulator 1.9.0 for GTA 5 miniature 4
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Published on 29 May 2023

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This is a remake of the excellent Quadcopter mod from LeFix. This new version has been completely rewritten using the ScriptHookVDotNet library. The objective of this new version is to bring additional features and improvements.

Quadcopter-Redux is a real drone simulator, mainly for FPV drones, but future flight modes are planned to simulate the behavior of stabilized drones like DJI drones. Using a FPV drone simulator is almost essential to learn how to fly FPV drones safely. It requires some practice and experience before being able to master the behavior of the drone in manual mode (acro).

There are many drone racing simulators available, but they all lack a detailed world which feels alive, the huge GTA map is the ideal playground for a drone simulator offering endless possibilities and a high degree of realism.

- Real FPV simulator, acro and angle flight modes
- Support HID radiocontroller (tested with betafpv, tango 2 and DJI FPV remote controller) or xbox360 gamepad (not recommended)
- Support Betaflight, Kiss, Actual and Raceflight rates
- Configurable Physics and drone presets
- Optionnal Funny gameplay with ability to use weapons and explosions.
- Missions : chasing car, urban rodeo, street races

- ScriptHookV
- ScriptHookVDotNet (3.6.0)

Key Bindings:
- Press G to start flying
- Press H to stop flying (can also be triggered via menu to teleport player)
- Press F9/F10 for Drone Settings menu
- Press R to Unstuck drone (reset)
- Press PageUp & PageDown for Camera tilt
- Press C to Change camera
- Press F to Change flight mode
- Press X to Abort mission
- Press B to Restart last mission

How to Fly:
- If you use a radiocontroller, enter the menu and enable the directinput option, next assign axes to map your radio with throttle, pitch, yaw, roll.
- By default, the motor arming feature is disabled. To activate this feature you need to go to the 'Drone' menu and activate this function, you will then need to bind a button on your radio control (note that the throttle must be cut in order to arm the motors)

Special Thanks to LeFix for the original Quadcopter mod and superG1zm0 for custom modifications on original code.
Author:  Dakilla, LeFix, superG1zm0
Author`s site:
Moderators: ardager02

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