
Forever Together (Romantic & Hot Coffee Update) 1.2 for GTA 5

Forever Together (Romantic & Hot Coffee Update) 1.2 for GTA 5
Forever Together (Romantic & Hot Coffee Update) 1.2 for GTA 5 miniature 1
Forever Together (Romantic & Hot Coffee Update) 1.2 for GTA 5 video 1
Forever Together (Romantic & Hot Coffee Update) 1.2 for GTA 5 miniature 2 Forever Together (Romantic & Hot Coffee Update) 1.2 for GTA 5 miniature 3 Forever Together (Romantic & Hot Coffee Update) 1.2 for GTA 5 miniature 4 Forever Together (Romantic & Hot Coffee Update) 1.2 for GTA 5 miniature 5 Forever Together (Romantic & Hot Coffee Update) 1.2 for GTA 5 miniature 6 Forever Together (Romantic & Hot Coffee Update) 1.2 for GTA 5 miniature 7 Forever Together (Romantic & Hot Coffee Update) 1.2 for GTA 5 miniature 8
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Published on 7 June 2023

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You can now have a "Partner, Companion, Buddy and a Friend or whatever you want to call it that act more natural and alive.

You can choose the look of your partner in "Choosing Partner Mode" and going close to the Ped you want. If you choose a new Ped the data of the old one will be erased.

A contact will be added to your phone with the name you choose (default: Partner). You can use it anytime you want to open the menu. Alternatively if the Partner is close enough you can always HOLD D-Pad Right on controller or E on keyboard.
The Partner will try to use the same weapon type as yours and if you are close with a vehicle and Honk when he/she is in combat he/she will try to enter it.

Relationship System:

(1) Relationship can be increased by:
- Talking and responding to the Partner
- Doing together things the Partner likes. You can start doing those activities (drinking beer, driving/piloting around, dancing) or you can join him/her whenever the partner starts doing them

(2) Relationship can be decreased by:
- Talking to the Partner
- Doing things the Partner dislikes
- Leaving him/her waiting for too long
- Asking or commanding to do something the Partner doesn't want to do. (If relationship is low there are small chances he/she will do it)

- Script Hook V
- ScriptHookVDotNet
- iFruitAddon2
- NativeUI
Author:  Dealien
Author`s site:
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