
House on the water v2 by AnriTool for GTA Vice City

House on the water v2 by AnriTool for GTA Vice City
Дом на воде v2 by AnriTool for GTA Vice City miniature 1 Дом на воде v2 by AnriTool for GTA Vice City miniature 2 Дом на воде v2 by AnriTool for GTA Vice City miniature 3 Дом на воде v2 by AnriTool for GTA Vice City miniature 4 Дом на воде v2 by AnriTool for GTA Vice City miniature 5 Дом на воде v2 by AnriTool for GTA Vice City miniature 6 Дом на воде v2 by AnriTool for GTA Vice City miniature 7
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Published on 16 May 2018

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MOD adds House on the water near the left Isles in Vice City. There is an opportunity to go inside the House. You can remain in the House. On quay there are pickup-canister, which spavnit speeder (the pickup appears if approach it at 10 meters) Office in fashion: to enter the House, go to the door and then click landing in auto (F/Enter standard) To survive, go to bed at House and click landing in auto (F/Enter standard): in this version of the script has been reduced. Now the speeder spavnitsja if you take a pickup if you take more-times, the speeder respavnitsja. When saving a script zaspavnennaja is removed. Now do not use global variables, local only (it was really stupid to use global, sorry) p.s Mod as well as the first version is essentially useless, but bring it to a end I had. Thanks Shagg_E for the which explained point and corrected my mistakes! I advise you to download the modification to sail to Tommy fell into hell trying to get into the House.
Author:  AnriTool
Author`s site:
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