
Improved Car Crash Physics for GTA Vice City

Improved Car Crash Physics for GTA Vice City
Improved Car Crash Physics for GTA Vice City miniature 1 Improved Car Crash Physics for GTA Vice City miniature 2 Improved Car Crash Physics for GTA Vice City miniature 3 Improved Car Crash Physics for GTA Vice City miniature 4 Improved Car Crash Physics for GTA Vice City miniature 5 Improved Car Crash Physics for GTA Vice City miniature 6
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Published on 20 August 2016

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With this mod car accidents become more exciting and realistic.
Before the car rarely was rotating, he just glided along the surface as
coin and it looked not very realistic. Now with this mod car will be
often doing flip-flops.

After installation try on speed tilt the machine on its side, you can do this by
Dodge springboard or something similar. You can still turn the other
cars in which you are not. For example, the RAM heavy truck
police cars standing as an obstacle on the road. It is desirable to be dispersed.
You can try to go from cops and jump simultaneously. If
a police car at a decent speed will land on the roof or side, it
likely to effectively turn over several times.

The mod compatible with VCMP, but players who have not installed this mod will not physics.
But all the same they will see how you perevoračivaetes′ and do not slide the vehicle housing surfaces.

Video to fashion:

Separate gratitude for video polivin to the user emil

Enjoyable game!
Author:  BuLLeT_ProoF
Author`s e-mail:
Author`s site:
Moderators: lk_1997_kl, DragonX

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