
Parkour (Parkour mod) v4.1 for GTA Vice City

Parkour (Parkour mod) v4.1 for GTA Vice City
Паркур (Parkour mod) V4.1 for GTA Vice City miniature 1 Паркур (Parkour mod) V4.1 for GTA Vice City miniature 2 Паркур (Parkour mod) V4.1 for GTA Vice City miniature 3 Паркур (Parkour mod) V4.1 for GTA Vice City miniature 4 Паркур (Parkour mod) V4.1 for GTA Vice City miniature 5 Паркур (Parkour mod) V4.1 for GTA Vice City miniature 6
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Published on 30 May 2018

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This MOD will make your main character as an Acrobat. You will be able to perform tricks. In the same way the protagonist can normal swim in water without fear of drowning even in Lusatia, the same way the protagonist can climb on, climb fences at home etc. objects. You can walk in, sit down. Controls: Tab + C-sit, expand the camera so that the hero was back to the bench. Tab + W-fluent walking. K-W-X-Frontflip round off backflip720. H-W (W hold)-Back handspring. J-W-X-handstand. In the air click on p-aerial. W + W-Salto forward. S + SPACEBAR jump-back flip. Roll C + W, S, A, D-click there and will be executed somersault. Double tap to jump + walking in any direction-will lingering roll. Sprint +-sliding on your back, you want to hold W. To climb on the wall walk up to her tight and jump. Enjoyable game!
Author:  384185280
This mod required:
Moderators: ChrisRedfield, smalloff

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