
Blood Arena: Vercetti's Estate Zombies for GTA Vice City

Blood Arena: Vercetti's Estate Zombies for GTA Vice City
Blood Arena: Vercettis Estate Zombies for GTA Vice City miniature 1
Blood Arena: Vercettis Estate Zombies for GTA Vice City video 1
Blood Arena: Vercettis Estate Zombies for GTA Vice City miniature 2 Blood Arena: Vercettis Estate Zombies for GTA Vice City miniature 3 Blood Arena: Vercettis Estate Zombies for GTA Vice City miniature 4
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Published on 13 April 2017

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This arena need to protect estate Vercetti from zombies. To start, you will be given
a couple of guns and body armor, but alas, they are not infinite ammo and weapons need to buy for the money
You can earn for killing zombies. In addition, the estate will be totally on fire.


-12 types of zombies!
-The whole map on fire!
-Some zombie burn, so stay away from them at a distance!
-11 ways to kill zombies! (With his bare hands, knife, firearms, or by using: sting)
-Kill zombies and earn money to purchase powerful weapons!

To enter the arena, you just walk up to the icon "skull" on the radar (no, not the love fist missions, fool around skull. icon estates Vercetti, logical?)
To exit from the arena, you need to come to a locked door at the end of the corridor on the second floor and press tab
(If nothing happens, just wait until zarespaunjatsja all the zombies and try again), or you can simply die.

All the money and all the weapons will be returned after leaving the arena.
Author:  =SpitFire=
This mod required:
Moderators: lk_1997_kl, smalloff

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