
Vercetti Gang for GTA Vice City

Vercetti Gang for GTA Vice City
Vercetti Gang for GTA Vice City miniature 1 Vercetti Gang for GTA Vice City miniature 2 Vercetti Gang for GTA Vice City miniature 3 Vercetti Gang for GTA Vice City miniature 4 Vercetti Gang for GTA Vice City miniature 5 Vercetti Gang for GTA Vice City miniature 6 Vercetti Gang for GTA Vice City miniature 7 Vercetti Gang for GTA Vice City miniature 8
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Published on 8 March 2018

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With this mod pack, Tommy now can:
Press G to call his gang (Mike and other goons will drive Diaz's admiral and come for back up).
(*Mike was the guy in the cutscene that worked for Diaz and then turned to Lance and Tommy)
(Will come 3 guys. The third guy is either PGA or PGB)
Call on his 8 mansion guards to follow his lead by simply walking near them.
Press O to dismiss all your bodyguards.
Tommy can call his boys no matter being on a mission or not.

Besides, there are some extra functionalities that add more fun to the game experience:
When in a car, press I to make the car invulnerable. Press I again to make it vulnerable again (But still explosion proof).

When in a car, press Z to make the car VERY HEAVY. Press G again to cancel. (Extremely useful when doing Hotring or other car races)

When in a car, press X to make a sudden speed boost. It will be a pleasure hard to describe if you do it with invincibility and very heavy car activated.

"Mansion Guard" is based on "VC GUARD" Cleo. I kept the script names but adjusted the guards to be using various weapons from colt 45 to ruger/M16, and fixed the removing reference bug.

"Tommy Guard" is based on the "Protection" Cleo, but I adjusted it to display calling messages, disabled markers (because in the CLEO 4 the remove marker opcode doesn't seem to work), changed it to Vercetti gangsters, with uzi and not so high accuracy so that it feels more authentic.
Author:  clivic
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Moderators: lk_1997_kl, Vexillum

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