
Freeride from IVAN144 v 2 for Mafia II

Freeride from IVAN144 v 2 for Mafia II
Фрирайд от IVAN144 v 2 for Mafia II miniature 1 Фрирайд от IVAN144 v 2 for Mafia II miniature 2 Фрирайд от IVAN144 v 2 for Mafia II miniature 3 Фрирайд от IVAN144 v 2 for Mafia II miniature 4 Фрирайд от IVAN144 v 2 for Mafia II miniature 5 Фрирайд от IVAN144 v 2 for Mafia II miniature 6 Фрирайд от IVAN144 v 2 for Mafia II miniature 7 Фрирайд от IVAN144 v 2 for Mafia II miniature 8 Фрирайд от IVAN144 v 2 for Mafia II miniature 9 Фрирайд от IVAN144 v 2 for Mafia II miniature 10
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Published on 14 July 2015

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Freeride from IVAN144 version II

-buying a car (2 seats)
Player (Options menu)
Menu options menu for change of weather, traffic, auto tuning menu
-Options menu music play from the mafia I
-Joe and Henry's bodyguards (Voice of the replica from Joe)
-Shooting, stalking, job, racing
-Melee weapon: Baton, knife, bits
-The real opening of doors in all homes, garages bruski, Angara Derek and many other locations

Open location:
Jewelry shop
Laundry and garage in the hotel "Empire!"
Office Bruno
Restaurant "Red Dragon" (+2 lift)
House Galante
They are all available in both winter and summer.

Summer only:
Country mansion of JV (after visiting the approach arrow for reboot)
Motor Show
Prison (job)
Distillery (gunplay and elevator)

Freeride connected with official DLC "cnt_vegas". Machines of the DLC are saved.
The freeride is fully licensed copy of the game.
To continue with your last save, click on the menu "continue story".

Thanks for reuse and scripts:
eXistenZ34, zahar999, Costa.

Author of I-IVAN144

Additional information
1) Player
As described above in the options menu there is a player.
You can choose
"Classical music"
And two track sheet rock and roll.
There is a button to turn off the music, that is, the player.
When switched on the music in the menu of options, purchase auto does not play.
But when entering the distillery and the early quests, the player will automatically shut off.
In its music.
If pleej enabled, and yy dies, the music plays again (Fix).

2) buying a car
Very large function. Do not move the machine too fast, do not enter cars menu.
(If you ever, when buying a Vito submerges in the purchased car)

3) assignments and gunfire
Almost all (except a job with Joe) Joe and Henry jobs vanish, but zaveršenû returned.

4) possible errors
Upon entering the restaurant "Red Dragon" Vito falls through textures if you go fast.
Come step and slow. If still failed through texture, then continue from the last save.
When you purchase a newspaper must be facing towards the seller.
If you approach her back will just not quite loyal animation.
Sometimes (rarely) save failed, but it was in all the previous frirajdov.

I checked like there should be no errors.
Author:  IVAN144
Author`s site:

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