
Michael, Franklin, and Trevor in Mafia 2 for Mafia II

Michael, Franklin, and Trevor in Mafia 2 for Mafia II
Michael, Franklin, and Trevor in Mafia 2 for Mafia II miniature 1
Michael, Franklin, and Trevor in Mafia 2 for Mafia II video 1
Michael, Franklin, and Trevor in Mafia 2 for Mafia II miniature 2 Michael, Franklin, and Trevor in Mafia 2 for Mafia II miniature 3 Michael, Franklin, and Trevor in Mafia 2 for Mafia II miniature 4 Michael, Franklin, and Trevor in Mafia 2 for Mafia II miniature 5 Michael, Franklin, and Trevor in Mafia 2 for Mafia II miniature 6 Michael, Franklin, and Trevor in Mafia 2 for Mafia II miniature 7 Michael, Franklin, and Trevor in Mafia 2 for Mafia II miniature 8 Michael, Franklin, and Trevor in Mafia 2 for Mafia II miniature 9
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Published on 2 October 2017

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The envelope of the main characters from GTA 5 for Mafia 2 from agens. Michael-replaces Vito, Franklin-replaces Joe, Trevor-replaces Jimmy. To change skins use options or use the trainer for freeride spavna skins. If skins are not replaced, then check all your DLC for files: joeksl2.sds, rtrksl.sds and vitarmy.sds, if these are to find files, replace them with the files of the fashion. If skins green, then go to the folder \MafiaII\edit\materials and run MafiaIIMaterialsMerger.exe utility after installing the MOD, make sure to start a new game!
Author:  Rockstar North (Grand Theft Auto V), agens
Author`s site:
Moderators: smalloff, GM-robot

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