
Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven
Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven miniature 1 Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven miniature 2 Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven miniature 3 Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven miniature 4 Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven miniature 5 Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven miniature 6 Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven miniature 7 Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven miniature 8 Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven miniature 9 Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven miniature 10 Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven miniature 11 Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven miniature 12 Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven miniature 13 Ford Mustang GT 2005 Supercharged for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven miniature 14
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Published on 6 August 2023

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Replaces Schubert Extra Six Tudor (Green)
Features of the model:
- REAL DRIVER 2.0 support : hood, trunk, windows
- the burnt-out skeleton
- own shadow
- close to reality settings
- advanced car damage model
- working suspension

Authors of the original model (body) : EA Games (Need for Speed: Most Wanted)
Salon authors : Atari (Test Drive Unlimited)
Author of conversion to GTA: SA, engine, suspension and everything else: Foxboro
The author of the conversion to Mafia: ~REVOLVER~
Author of settings : ~REVOLVER~
Author:  EA Games (Need for speed: Most Wanted), Foxboro, Atari (Test Drive Unlimited), REVOLVER
Author`s e-mail:,
Make: Ford

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