Sky pack
Substitutes the standard textures of skyboxes at the new higher-resolution: 512 * 1024 side, upper cover skajboksa 1024 * 1024 (standard 256 * 256)
Replace skajboksy in locations:
FREEKRAJINA (Nature day)
FREERIDE (city day)
FREERIDENOC (city-night)
FREEITALY (small town)
Extreme (long walk)
+ Gray overcast skies in rainy missions.
i keep crashing
by MrGrayAwesome Gun!
by KamolinapopaI am very excited for your new mod manager and will be waiting, also g...
by AfeedyesyesHello, i wanna ask how did u fix those wheels (or chassis, idk how is ...
by R1SGODThank You!
by Kamolinapopa