
Additional information about mods

The next improvement came to our portal is displaying information about the modifications. We wanted to keep this information does not take up much space and it all could get just briefly scanned the publication. So we decided this additional information (such as steering a car or to which mods this model is adapted) in the form of simple and clear icons.

Additional information about mods

We think it's comfortable. If the icon is pale, it means that mod does not have what it depicts. On any icon you can hover your mouse and read the detailed description. For example, you can now easily find out which components of the model were optimized for "Active dashboard mod" or "Improved Vehicle Features". All information contained in icons is determined automatically, which gives 99% accuracy in determining all these parameters.

Yet output of additional information is available only in the game GTA San Andreas, but we will be phasing out such important information and in modifications for other games.

Also a little earlier we changed output the information about the authors and model to replace. Hope you liked it!

Additional information about mods

All your ideas, you can leave in the comments. We will try to realize the best ideas.

Thank you for being with us!

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Published on 5 June 2014

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