
Update of moderation system!

Update of moderation system!

Friends, Hello!

As you already know 2 months ago, we began to use a new mods moderation system and hoped that it would be ideal and will allow our site to grow and evolve even more rapidly.

Moderation has really become easier and more convenient than ever before, but there was one not very pleasant moment...

We would like to moderators learned from each other as necessary to correct moderate mods, and we thought that if unexperienced moderator can not find any error in the modification, an experienced moderator then certainly find all mistakes. Then unexperienced moderator is required to know about it, because checking will be deemed incorrect, and the reward for it is withdrawn. But things did not go quite so... and often contrary less experienced moderators reject modifications for reasons which do not have, which is why experienced moderators deprived of their awards for proper check and disgruntled users wrote us angry to take action against such moderators..

And we have a lot to think about, how to make a system that will allow moderators to learn from their mistakes, not only in those cases when they do not notice the defects, but when too carp.

And now, it seems that we've found the middle ground and made the necessary changes to the moderation system.

And now more:

Starting today, our moderation becomes a truly collective and all decisions will be taken on the mod majority. This means that in order to reject the mod needed to one same error found at least 3 of 5 moderators. Errors, who will find only 1-2 moderator will no longer be considered a errors.

Every modification, as before, will be checked five moderators and if three moderators have not found any mistakes, it is logical that the modification will be published immediately online. This means that the first will be published modifications of those users, who do not make mistakes when adding.

Errors of moderators.

Now check of mod will be considered as an erroneous in only two cases:

  1. if a moderator is decided that there is an error in a mod that would not be accepted by any other moderator.
  2. if all the other moderators found in mod error that did not see this moderator.

That is, we seek to protect the site from the of moderators, that too much cavil at users or who seek as soon as possible to check mods and get a reward, that they do not notice the error contained in mod.

We really appreciate your feedback, so any ideas and suggestions left in the comments will be considered.

Happy holidays! Sincerely,

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Published on 26 December 2015

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