
A companion dog

A companion dog
Собака компаньон  miniature 1 Собака компаньон  miniature 2 Собака компаньон  miniature 3
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Published on 29 July 2024

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Find a dog that you like and pet it.
Stroking it, you will notice a new "Bond" hint. Activate it and the dog will join you.
- Your dog will follow you, and it can be ordered to sit down and wait. If you enter the room, she will be waiting for you outside.
- A whistle to call the dog back to you. Please note that whistling has a range, and if your dog is too far away, it will not respond to your calls.
- If she gets lost, you can get her back by interacting with your main horse and activating the correct clue.
- Your dog will interfere in close combat and attack your opponents.
- You can order your dog to attack other animals or NPCs.
- Your dog will help you hunt in different ways
- When tracking an animal, your dog will use his senses and help you find it quickly.
- Your dog will get nervous about nearby predators and attack them if they are too close.
- The mod adds a special new core for your dog's health. The lower her core, the slower her health is restored.
- In order to fully restore the core and health of your dog, it needs to be fed with the prey it has taken.
Author:  Shtivi
Author`s site:
Moderators: dword

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