
UAZ 460 b for Spintires 2014

UAZ 460 b for Spintires 2014
УАЗ 460Б for Spintires 2014 miniature 1 УАЗ 460Б for Spintires 2014 miniature 2 УАЗ 460Б for Spintires 2014 miniature 3 УАЗ 460Б for Spintires 2014 miniature 4 УАЗ 460Б for Spintires 2014 miniature 5 УАЗ 460Б for Spintires 2014 miniature 6 УАЗ 460Б for Spintires 2014 miniature 7 УАЗ 460Б for Spintires 2014 miniature 8 УАЗ 460Б for Spintires 2014 miniature 9
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Published on 22 November 2017

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Second job: UAZ-460 b of all-wheel drive with modifications: new wheels, engine, lot places for eating match prototype. Shop by-full analogy with the original UAZom, but no blocking of DIFFA, because at all prototypes, 469 and Hanterah lock DIFFA still missing) From lighting dimensions of work when the ignition is on the front and rear, with activation of headlamps works and searchlight. You can also open the doors, hood and trunk. Has 2 of its addon:-roof rack with repair parts (200 points repair). Has 4 extra lights. Caravan GAS-704, the model is made completely from scratch, a true copy of the original (1 point garage), the only flashlight also works
Author:  MordWin
Make: УАЗ
Moderators: nakitalotus, lk_1997_kl

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