
Tatra 813 Kolos Kings Off-Road 1.2 for Spintires 2014

Tatra 813 Kolos Kings Off-Road 1.2 for Spintires 2014
Tatra 813 Kolos Kings Off-Road 1.2 for Spintires 2014 miniature 1 Tatra 813 Kolos Kings Off-Road 1.2 for Spintires 2014 miniature 2 Tatra 813 Kolos Kings Off-Road 1.2 for Spintires 2014 miniature 3 Tatra 813 Kolos Kings Off-Road 1.2 for Spintires 2014 miniature 4 Tatra 813 Kolos Kings Off-Road 1.2 for Spintires 2014 miniature 5 Tatra 813 Kolos Kings Off-Road 1.2 for Spintires 2014 miniature 6 Tatra 813 Kolos Kings Off-Road 1.2 for Spintires 2014 miniature 7
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Published on 5 January 2019

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Paratextuality model and Addons. Decrease the volume of the engine and slightly redesigned the sound replaced by the sound of idling. Redesigned suspension (slightly softer). Steering cooler.
The model has a default 8 coupling and its Addons and 3 pretextured addon from the pack of trailers (chilly Willy). Overall, 11 Addons. There animation wheel. Carries 2, 4, 6, 8 points of the cargo. Has 3 sets of wheels.
From shortcomings:
C side back a little climbs logs.
V1. 2 for SpinTires (03. 03. 16):
The logs do not go back through the Board a little in front, but not so noticeable bug fixes - thank you barsikus5. Changes in operation of the grader (spade could hardly pick up medium-sized rocks) to clear the way from stones - that's good does the job (a shovel can be lowered below the level of the truck).
Added double trailer (pretextually) on trailers, conventional logs with default textures.
Small changes in the sounds. A little added volume. Replaced sounds (start-stop). Minor changes in textures.
Author:  iberi
Make: Tatra

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