There are 9 DragoPriest's Masks in the game, for each one there is this chance: if you have a dragonpriest's mask on your inventory you can craft at forge 3 versions of the same mask, cloth, light and heavy.
All models are in Daedric Crafting List, they look like circlets and you need no perk to craft 'em.
The armor rating is the same of the original models, 21 for light and 23 for heavy.
This mod does not change original models, all craftable models are new.
All models can not be unenchanted to learn the enchantments.
You can temper all light and heavy models but you need arcane blacksmith perk. If you want a better armor you need Daedric perk too.
Crafting List: cloth, light and heavy model need the same ingretients: