
West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP for TES V: Skyrim

West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP for TES V: Skyrim
West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP for TES V: Skyrim miniature 1 West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP for TES V: Skyrim miniature 2 West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP for TES V: Skyrim miniature 3 West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP for TES V: Skyrim miniature 4 West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP for TES V: Skyrim miniature 5 West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP for TES V: Skyrim miniature 6 West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP for TES V: Skyrim miniature 7 West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP for TES V: Skyrim miniature 8 West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP for TES V: Skyrim miniature 9 West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP for TES V: Skyrim miniature 10 West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP for TES V: Skyrim miniature 11 West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP for TES V: Skyrim miniature 12 West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP for TES V: Skyrim miniature 13
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Published on 29 June 2014

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The Zephyr Militia have long been at war with their neighboring factions. They are a seedy bunch, known to backstab those whom they dislike in the very least. Having dealings with the Nightshade assassins, encounters with Dwemer researchers and a general fondness for all things leather - the variation in styling of their attire is quite noticeable. Some have joined and quit the Dawnguard, while others are on the move back to Hammerfell for a regroup to plot their next riot. The Assault division of the Zephyr Militia tend to favor variation during combat. Moving from the backlines to the front, they weave through battles and attack with precision. They must be swift and keep their armor at minimum for mobility. Sacrifices in protection must be made for the sake of said mobility. Agile warriors will surely welcome the look and layout of the Assault division's armor.

Categorized as light "Dwarven Armor" - the weights are semi-realistic, monetary values are appropriate and the protective ratings are loosely based on a dwarven/leather hybrid scale. None of these armor pieces are either craftable nor temperable. This is 100% intentional and will not change. The Assault armor can be purchased exclusively from Zale, a West Wind merchant who can be found inside Reachwind Eyrie. This dwemer tower is located southeast of Markarth and northeast of Dushnikh Yal. Zale is available 24/7, very wealthy and will buy most of your items. He is armed with an Assault of the Essence, which is categorized as a "Glass" weapon and has a base damage rating roughly the same as a Daedric sword.

_Atronach Left / Atronach Right / Atronach Duo
_Boots Oiled / Boots Pale
_Cloth Arm Wrap Left / Cloth Arm Wrap Right
_Dust Straps
_Pauldron / Pauldron Lesser
_Pants Dark / Pants Pale
_Pride Green Left / Pride Green Right / Pride Red Left / Pride Red Right
_Scarf Dirty / Scarf Dirty Alternate / Scarf Red / Scarf Red Alternate
_Torso Militia / Torso Paisley/ Torso Quilt
Author:  brokefoot
  • Minimum version of the patch, which is necessary for this modification - 1.7.

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