
Stormlord Armor - armor Master Storm 2.0 for TES V: Skyrim

Stormlord Armor - armor Master Storm 2.0 for TES V: Skyrim
Stormlord Armor - Броня Владыки Бури 2.0 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 1 Stormlord Armor - Броня Владыки Бури 2.0 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 2 Stormlord Armor - Броня Владыки Бури 2.0 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 3 Stormlord Armor - Броня Владыки Бури 2.0 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 4 Stormlord Armor - Броня Владыки Бури 2.0 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 5 Stormlord Armor - Броня Владыки Бури 2.0 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 6 Stormlord Armor - Броня Владыки Бури 2.0 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 7 Stormlord Armor - Броня Владыки Бури 2.0 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 8 Stormlord Armor - Броня Владыки Бури 2.0 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 9 Stormlord Armor - Броня Владыки Бури 2.0 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 10
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Published on 2 December 2014

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MOD adds a really nice new heavy armor, which is perfectly suitable to the true Noord.

There are several ways to get the armor:.
1. take the Imperials side and kill Ul′frika.
2. Forge it in steel with ebonite processing skills.
3. buy a H′erim in Vindhel′me, armor will be in the trunk behind the bed.

Version 2.0: added a helmet

Translated: EXGRAN
Author:  Christian Paskota
Author`s site:
  • Minimum version of the patch, which is necessary for this modification - 1.7.

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