
Extended UI 1.0.4 (a) for TES V: Skyrim

Extended UI 1.0.4 (a) for TES V: Skyrim
Extended UI 1.0.4a for TES V: Skyrim miniature 1 Extended UI 1.0.4a for TES V: Skyrim miniature 2 Extended UI 1.0.4a for TES V: Skyrim miniature 3
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Published on 14 November 2014

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Fashion recycles parts of the interface, which by this time had still not addressed the other modifications. This MOD will be a great addition to the SkyUI.

Requirements: SKYRIM, SKSE, SkyUI

Translated: EXGRAN

Affected menus:

The menu of skills:
-At the time of review the menu of skills available in the list with the title and the progress of each skill. The selected skill is highlighted.
-Additional interface elements disappear when viewing line skill.
-More abilities fit on the screen.
-Support for more lengthy descriptions of skills and abilities.

Sleep/standby menu:
-Configure the maximum values of the sleep/standby (2-720 hours)

-Displays and FormID cells where the player
-A few new commands:
"exui_fullscreen"-open the console on the entire screen.
"exui_log: MESSAGE"-displays a message in the log of wood.
"exui_sendmodevent: EVENTNAME, STRINGARG, NUMARG"-sends SKSE mod event (EVENTNAME) with two parameters (STRINGARG, NUMARG).
"exui_getcrosshairref"-returns the name, ReferenceID and FormID object in the player's crosshairs.
"exui_loadmenu: FILENAME"-opens/closes the menu in FILENAME.swf located in the folder "\Skyrim\Data\Interface".


If the MOD changes the data files, then it is not compatible with the Extended interface:

Known issues:

The menu of skills:
Menu browsing abilities can sometimes switch to view skills (this is in the original game), resulting in illumination of the skill in the bottom of the menu. Scroll through the list of skills will fix this problem.
Author:  MrJack
Author`s site:
This mod required:
Dawnguard DLC, Dragonborn DLC, Hearthfire DLC
  • Minimum version of the patch, which is necessary for this modification - 1.7.

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