
The Reformed v2 for TES V: Skyrim

The Reformed v2 for TES V: Skyrim
The Reformed v2 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 1 The Reformed v2 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 2 The Reformed v2 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 3 The Reformed v2 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 4
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Published on 9 August 2014

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The Reformed is a mod that aims to create a new faction to the world of Skyrim. This mod does not require any other mods, even SKSE. There is a trapdoor outside of Riverwood for you to enter the base.

This mod currently has a fully functioning player home, 15 NEW followers for use by the player, guild armor, and a base with four rooms (Main hall, Sneak Section, Warrior Section, and Mage Section)
List of followers:
Sneak Based:
Reformed Sneak Initiate (Reformed Recruit, Non-essential)
Ryan (Reformed Leader, Previously a Dark Brotherhood Assassin, Werewolf)
Jaden (Member of both the Reformed and the Bards College, Plays Lute and Flute)
Pavel (Member of the Reformed, Previously a Dark Brotherhood Assassin, Assassinated the a Jarl)
Ethan (Member of the Reformed, Previously a Thieves Guild Member, Expelled for killing client)

Magic Based:
Reformed Mage Initiate (Reformed Recruit, Non-essential)
Anthony (Reformed Leader, Survivor of Tribunal Massacre, PTSD)
Emma (Member of the Reformed, Has close relations with Necromancers, Married to Dawson)
Dawson (Member of the Reformed, Alchemist, Married to Emma)
Jason (Member of the Reformed, Suffers from depression, Illusion master)

Warrior Based:
Reformed Warrior Initiate (Reformed Recruit, Non-essential)
Mindara (Reformed Leader, Hunter, College graduate, Archery master)
Ben (Member of the Reformed and Silver Hand, Hates Josh)
Josh (Member of the Reformed and Companions, Hates Ben)
Jessica (Member of the Reformed and Companions, Shy and Cautious)
Author:  ChA0S Phoenix
Tag: Companions
This mod required:
  • Minimum version of the patch, which is necessary for this modification - 1.7.

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