
heljarchen Wolf Pet Cerberos for TES V: Skyrim

heljarchen Wolf Pet Cerberos for TES V: Skyrim
heljarchen Wolf Pet Cerberos for TES V: Skyrim miniature 1 heljarchen Wolf Pet Cerberos for TES V: Skyrim miniature 2 heljarchen Wolf Pet Cerberos for TES V: Skyrim miniature 3 heljarchen Wolf Pet Cerberos for TES V: Skyrim miniature 4
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Published on 28 May 2014

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Adds a Wolf Pet with white fur and blue eyes named Cerberos to your heljarchen home (Might work with console spawn at other homes)
About Cerberos & Commands:

Where is he at?

He is by the side of the door at heljarchen (to the right)

He is .2 bigger than the rest of the wolves and has different textures. (good size for me)

He is marked as "Essential" meaning that he will take damage but not die, health bar will go down but when it reaches 0 he will not die.

The wolf has the following commands:

Follow me: Cerberos will follow you like a dog, you can have another companion follow you as well.

Wait: Cerberos will wait for you anywhere you want, will protect any friends or allies that are in trouble while you are away.

Give me everything you got, Dog: Cerberos will open up his inventory window so you can trade items (I will make it so that he can pick up items as well later on)

Time to go home: Will send Cerberos back to heljarchen (or any other home which you spawned him at)

Note that every command has a sound, usually a bark and when you dismiss Cerberos he will Howl just like a regular wolf.
Author:  sirxazor
This mod required:
Dawnguard DLC, SKSE for TES V: Skyrim, Hearthfire DLC
  • Minimum version of the patch, which is necessary for this modification - 1.7.

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