
Muhomono and Zentoku - Black and White Katanas for TES V: Skyrim

Muhomono and Zentoku - Black and White Katanas for TES V: Skyrim
Muhomono and Zentoku - Black and White Katanas for TES V: Skyrim miniature 1 Muhomono and Zentoku - Black and White Katanas for TES V: Skyrim miniature 2 Muhomono and Zentoku - Black and White Katanas for TES V: Skyrim miniature 3 Muhomono and Zentoku - Black and White Katanas for TES V: Skyrim miniature 4 Muhomono and Zentoku - Black and White Katanas for TES V: Skyrim miniature 5 Muhomono and Zentoku - Black and White Katanas for TES V: Skyrim miniature 6
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Published on 13 September 2014

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Here is a pair of black/white Katanas which have a medium size blade and copper ends, plus a black sheath. Both swords can be crafted to be used as a normal sword or an off hand sword (held upside down like a Ninja or something).

Stats are similar to Ebony sword. Requires steel smithing to craft/improve and same materials as steel a sword.
Obtain by crafting or finding them in the basement of Dragonsreach. Weapon IDs are "katanamr", "katanamroffhand", "katanamrwhite" and "katanamroffhandwhite". No DLC required.
Author:  Amorbis - Spectravideo
Tag: Swords
  • Minimum version of the patch, which is necessary for this modification - 1.7.

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