
Battle Assistant for World Of Tanks

Battle Assistant for World Of Tanks
Battle Assistant for World Of Tanks miniature 1 Battle Assistant for World Of Tanks miniature 2 Battle Assistant for World Of Tanks miniature 3 Battle Assistant for World Of Tanks miniature 4 Battle Assistant for World Of Tanks miniature 5 Battle Assistant for World Of Tanks miniature 6 Battle Assistant for World Of Tanks miniature 7
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Published on 11 August 2015

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The peculiarity of fashion that kind of artillery during the regime of completely changing, i.e. the standard top view is replaced by a izometriej, and so much more comfortable to fire at enemies.
This is especially noticeable when shooting in the city, so as you can see, the shell will fly through the House or not, unlike the standard mode, where you navigate only to changing the color of the stripes projectile.

Fire spotter-have you noticed that when located on a hill, the enemy is hidden, then the missile flies much higher? This is due to the fact that if there are no goals, Aimpoint moves far beyond the tank. In such cases, the spotter makes fly rockets at a lower trajectory.
Helpful "Expert". Now the skill fires after a few seconds after the damage caused by damage to the enemy. Perk also now activates after the command "fire support".
Activate the modification work is also very simple-in artillery aiming mode press "G". To exit repeat pressing.

To customize, you can log into your game version "\\ scripts\\client\\mods and enable\\ disable modules using the battle_assistant.txt file.

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