Bell 407
The Office on this helicopter following: X and Z are responsible for enabling rotation and rotate in different directions. That is, if you want to fly up the press Z and the blades begin to rotate so that the helicopter was able to climb. And vice versa if you want to plant a helicopter blade, you need to rotate the other way-to do this, press x. Arrow forward, backward, right and left, the need to control the helicopter. These arrows you nakrenâete helicopter in the desired direction.
whoever did this mod is a mad lad
by ghostopsFrom here Memes started xD
by Ahmed_BotaThis Face is so scary tf
by Ahmed_BotaNot working for me. Can Anyone help? The trainer is not activating in ...
by SafwanChapz69Hey, copied the files but when tapping f4 nothing happens. Why? Can An...
by SafwanChapz69