
CS:GO C4 Hands of Kim Dae-Ho (707) for Counter Strike 1.6

CS:GO C4 Hands of Kim Dae-Ho (707) for Counter Strike 1.6
CS:GO C4 Hands of Kim Dae-Ho (707) for Counter Strike 1.6 miniature 1
CS:GO C4 Hands of Kim Dae-Ho (707) for Counter Strike 1.6 video 1
CS:GO C4 Hands of Kim Dae-Ho (707) for Counter Strike 1.6 miniature 2 CS:GO C4 Hands of Kim Dae-Ho (707) for Counter Strike 1.6 miniature 3 CS:GO C4 Hands of Kim Dae-Ho (707) for Counter Strike 1.6 miniature 4 CS:GO C4 Hands of Kim Dae-Ho (707) for Counter Strike 1.6 miniature 5 CS:GO C4 Hands of Kim Dae-Ho (707) for Counter Strike 1.6 miniature 6
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Published on 8 August 2024

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The C4 explosive is a special weapon that is given only to terrorists to lay it in a certain place. At the beginning of the round, one of the terrorists randomly receives a C4. C4 can also be thrown away and given to another player. Also, explosives fall to the ground if the player is killed along with it. The explosives must be placed at one of the two bomb laying points (A or B) in bomb laying mode.
The model is made in medium quality, the hands of the character Kim Dae-Ho (707) from the game Counter-Strike Online 2, jointly developed by Valve and the Korean company Nexon. It has sounds, p_ and w_ models with it.
Nexon - Models and Textures;
Kuristaja - Rigging;
FunnkyHD - Porting.
The authors of the model:
Valve - Models, textures, sounds and animations;
CS PRO - p_ and w_ models;
FunnkyHD - Porting and Compilation;
Sowa Games - Animations.
Author:  Valve, Nexon, Sowa Games, CS PRO, Kuristaja, FunnkyHD, spirit52b
Converter:  FunnkyHD
Author`s site:,
Model to replace: C4 Bomb
Moderators: ardager02, smalloff

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