
N7 Combat Armor for Fallout 4

N7 Combat Armor for Fallout 4
N7 Combat Armor for Fallout 4 miniature 1 N7 Combat Armor for Fallout 4 miniature 2 N7 Combat Armor for Fallout 4 miniature 3 N7 Combat Armor for Fallout 4 miniature 4 N7 Combat Armor for Fallout 4 miniature 5
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Published on 30 December 2015

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This is my collection of Mass Effect, N7 inspired armor. It is using the combat armor, vaultsuit, military cap and flight helmet vanilla assets that Ive slowly been building up in to something new. This is not a simple 'Black Armor" mod, it is completely standalone, and has been modified to not just alter palette files to a dark colour, but has removed the palette functionality all together to use its own colours in the diffuse textures.
At this stage, the Vaultsuit is 100% complete. The combat armor, which now uses the flight helmet01 as the helmet, is fully useable, but will be updated with more detailed textures in the future. At this stage it consists of carefully balanced specular maps to achieve a semi-matte black metal look by changing the environment mapping in the material file and has had modifications to the mesh to allow individual material files assigned to each arm (necessary for the red and white striped).

To get the armor, open up the console and type "help n7 4" this will show all the item ids for the items.
Then type "player.additem xxxxxxxx" where the x's represent the item id, for each of the items to add it to your inventory.
Author:  Millenia, Ruddy88, Jenthecopycat, Draco856, BigTalon
Author`s site:

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